::Next issue mailing in May 2009::

Click links to read selected articles

Vida Scudder: A Voice From The Past Speaks To The Present

Back issues are made available on this site in PDF format one month after the release of the current issue.

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  • $10 Regular
  • $20 Sustaining (includes DSA Commission membership - DSA membership required)
  • $12 Canadian
  • $15 Foreign
  • $100 Lifetime
Checks made payable to:

Religious Socialism
536 W. 111th St. #37
New York, NY 10025

Comments, letters, and submissions are most welcome, and may be addresssed to editor@religioussocialism.com. If you feel you have written something which might be of interest to our readers, please feel free to send it in. Our articles usually run from 700-2000 words.

Please note: We do not guarantee a response unless we choose to publish your article.

back issues
(complete issues in PDF format)
© 2009 DSA Religion & Socialism Commission