Religious Socialism is the biannual publication of the Religious Socialists, the Religion & Socialism Commission of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). DSA is the largest socialist organisation in the United States. Founded in 1977, the Religious Socialists are the oldest commission in the organization, dating back to the origins of DSA as the Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee. It is open to DSA members of all faiths whose socialism is in some way inspired by their spiritual identity.
In the past the Religious Socialists have held conferences and seminars dealing with what we feel is an intrinsic connection between religious belief and the fight for social justice. We are a member organization of the International League of Religious Socialists (Socialist International), and we have sent delegates to participate in that organization's congresses.
We elect an Executive Committee every two years
to administer the affairs of the Commission.
Our current EC is:
Rod Ryon
Juanita Webster
Maxine Phillips
Norm Faramelli
Executive Committee:
Judith Deutsch
Norm Faramelli
Mark Finkel
Andrew Hammer
David Kandel
Tharen Robson